What is marjoram?
It is also known as marjoram and its scientific name is marjoram (Origanum majorana), an aromatic herb of the mint family, which is usually found in the Mediterranean region and is widespread there. Marjoram is one of the herbs that are used as spices, and it is added to foods, and it is used in its various forms. Its fresh leaves are used, as well as dry, and marjoram oil is extracted from it.
Nutritional value in marjoram :
Marjoram contains many vitamins and minerals that the body needs, and we will explain the nutritional value of a tablespoon of dried marjoram leaves:
4 calories. 0.9 grams of carbohydrates. 0.2 grams of protein. 0.1 g of fat. 0.6 grams of fiber. 9.3 micrograms of vitamin K. 1.2 milligrams of iron. 0.1 milligram manganese. 29.9 mg of calcium. 121 international units of vitamin A.
Marjoram benefits for weight
Marjoram has many benefits for maintaining the health of the digestive system, and it may not be very effective in losing weight, but it maintains the health of the digestive system, which makes it an important and helpful factor in slimming, through:
- Chickpea treats digestive disorders during slimming and various healthy diets
- Marjoram regulates thyroid function during weight loss
- Marjoram burns the fat accumulated around the abdomen and buttocks.
- Marjoram helps to curb appetite for long periods of weight loss.
- Marjoram rids the body of toxins and wastes harmful to the body during weight loss.
- Parsley contributes to burning extra calories during slimming.
Marjoram drink helps to burn fats in the body, solve the problem of indigestion and digestive disorders, as it facilitates the movement of the stomach and helps to get rid of gases, and flatulence.
Marjoram is used with green tea to get rid of excess fluids in the body to a large extent, which leads to the disposal of bloating. Marjoram helps burn belly fat in a short time that does not exceed 10 days, as it is one of the best natural recipes that help burn fat, lose weight and lose weight.

Other benefits of marjoram
- Relieves runny nose and colds in infants and young children.
- Helps relieve dry cough, swollen nose and throat, and earache.
- Some women use marjoram to relieve menopausal symptoms, treat menstrual-related mood swings, menstrual pain, and promote the flow of breast milk.
- Other uses include diabetes, sleep problems, muscle cramps, headaches, and back pain. It is also used as a heart tonic, and to promote and stimulate blood circulation.
- Marjoram oil is used to treat coughs, gallbladder problems, stomach cramps, digestive disorders, depression, dizziness, migraines, nervous headaches, and nerve pain.
The use of marjoram in food
The use of marjoram in food, marjoram is an aromatic, perennial plant that belongs to the mint family. It is distinguished for its multiple uses due to its many benefits, in addition to relying on it in the field of cooking to a large extent. Its fresh leaves, or dried leaves, are used as a powder, to add a distinct flavor in many foods. It can also be applied to meat, sausages and poultry, and it is known that marjoram grows in the Mediterranean region.
How to use marjoram in cooking : Marjoram is mostly used as a kind of spice or appetizer in a small percentage. There are also some people who prefer to take tea with the addition of the marjoram herb. There are also many women who mix marjoram oil with some vegetable oils and use them in the field of cooking and cooking daily. The marjoram plant also enters some of its drying in many seasonings and recipes. It has been relied upon to season meats and vegetables. In addition to flavoring soups, it is used by wrapping two tablespoons of marjoram in a piece of cheesecloth, and placing it in the pot during the cooking process.
Marjoram’s relationship to cooking :

Marjoram is a spice used in cooking all over the world. It can be added mainly in desserts and soups. This is because it has a sweet smell and a moderately spicy taste that combines sweet and bitter, but it resembles camphor in a small percentage. It is also characterized by containing some essential oils. Marjoram also contains a group of vitamins that do not affect the general taste in eating it. And recently prepared marjoram from the plant family, before it was equal to the thyme plant in the same taste.
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