Lentils are seeds of the legume family, and are considered a rich source of proteins and fibers. Lentil seeds grow like other legumes inside pods or pods. There are also several types of red, green, brown and black lentils. Lentils are characterized by ease of preparation and low cost, which makes them an important source of high-quality protein. It can also be obtained easily all over the world, and lentils are also a rich source of manganese, folic acid or folate, and this article will talk about the nutritional value of lentils and its health benefits for the body.

Each type of lentil contains a unique combination of antioxidants and phytochemicals and is an inexpensive way to obtain a wide range of nutrients. It is rich in B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium.
Lentils are made up of over 25% protein, which makes them an excellent alternative to meat and a great source of iron, and lentils are rich in fiber, which supports regular bowel movements and the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
Furthermore, lentils contain a wide range of beneficial plant compounds called phytochemicals, many of which protect against chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
The nutritional value of lentils.
The nutritional value of lentils is very high, and because of this, it is considered one of the most effective or functional foods that are widely available, in addition to containing polyphenols, minerals, fiber and other biologically active compounds. 189 grams of cooked lentils contain the following ingredients:
- Calories: 230
- Carbohydrates: 39.9 grams.
- Protein: 17.9g
- Fat: 0.8 grams.
- Fiber: 15.6 g.
- Folic acid: 358 mcg, which is 90% of the recommended daily intake.
- Manganese: 1 mg, which is 49% of the recommended daily intake.
- Iron: 6.6 mg, or 37% of the recommended daily intake.
- Phosphorous: 356 mg or 36% of the recommended daily intake.
- Copper: 0.5 mg, which is 25% of the recommended daily intake.
- Thiamine: 0.3 mg, or 22% of the RDI.
- Potassium: 731 mg, or 21% of the recommended daily intake.
- Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg, or 18% of the recommended daily intake.
Furthermore, lentils contain a wide range of beneficial plant compounds called phytochemicals, many of which protect against chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Lentil benefits
Lentils have many benefits, which make it a food that one should not skip, and recipes that contain lentils must be tried, and below we explain these different benefits.
1 – Benefits of lentils to increase energy and activity
Getting the necessary energy is one of the most important benefits of lentils, as lentils are rich in carbohydrates, which give the body the energy needed when glucose is broken down.
It should be noted that it is recommended for individuals that the daily calories consumed by the individual contain (45-65%) of carbohydrates, and eating lentils helps in obtaining the amount of carbohydrates needed by the body.
2- The benefits of lentils for the heart
Lentils contain fiber that helps reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, which helps in reducing cardiovascular diseases, and lentils contain potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which support heart health, and help lower blood pressure naturally.
3 – Benefits of lentils for cancer
Lentils contain selenium, which may help reduce cancer of the rectum, colon, prostate, esophagus, and stomach, as it improves the immune response by stimulating T cells.
4 – Benefits of lentils for muscles and bones
Some claim that lentils have benefits for muscles, and this is true, because lentils are rich in proteins, and protein is necessary in maintaining bones, muscles, and cartilage, and the body needs protein in order to form hormones and enzymes properly, so one of the benefits of lentils before exercise, it helps individuals get Contains the protein needed to build muscle.
5 – Benefits of lentils for diet
Lentils help in weight loss, as eating fiber helps in losing weight, as fiber helps in feeling full and satiety, which helps reduce the number of calories an individual can eat.
6 – Benefits of lentils for sex and fertility
Lentils contain folic acid, which not only benefits the heart, but also helps improve fertility, so one of the benefits of lentils for women is that it increases fertility, and one of the benefits of lentils for men and women is that lentils contain iron and all nutrients for sexual health.
One of the benefits of yellow lentils for sex, or all types of lentils in general, is that lentils enhance the body’s production of the sex and mood-boosting hormone Noradrenaline.