The Greeks and Romans used to put it over their heads in their celebrations

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The Greeks and Romans used to put it over their heads in their celebrations

The Greeks and Romans used to put mint wreaths over their heads in their celebrations and feasts, and they put mint on dining tables, and their chefs worked on putting mint in food mixtures and broths, and they mixed wines with mint flavor and mint oil, and Greek doctors used two types of mint in their medical recipes . But it is not known whether they used the same type that was popular with them, and this type of mint was widely used in Europe by doctors, around the middle of the eighteenth century AD.

peppermint :

Peppermint is a plant of the order Oral, that reproduces by seeds, and is a hybrid of two types of mint: water mint and pointed mint, and its scientific name is (Mentha x piperita). From July to August, but it is usually pruned to prevent its flowering and increase the production of its leaves, and this type of mint grows in humid regions of Europe and North America, and it should be noted that its leaves and stems contain volatile oils that give the plant its jet smell and distinctive flavour. These oils contain menthol, which is responsible for a feeling of relaxation, and this property is one of the characteristics that distinguishes peppermint.

Nutritional value of peppermint :

Mint is rich in nutrients; Such as: Vitamin A, iron, manganese, and folic acid. Each third of a cup of mint contains:

Calories: 6 calories.

Fiber: 1 gram.

Vitamin A: 12% of the daily requirement.

Iron: 9% of the daily requirement.

Manganese: 8% of the daily requirement.

Folic acid or folate: 4% of the daily requirement.

Mint is also rich in antioxidants, which protect against many diseases, which is the reason behind the benefits of mint for the heart and the prevention of cancer and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Here are some of the benefits of mint, mint juice (or mint water), the benefits of boiled mint, and the health and therapeutic benefits of peppermint oil.

Benefits of mint to improve mood and relax :

Mint improves brain function, as it has been found that inhaling the aroma or smell of peppermint perfume for five minutes improves memory significantly. Additionally, inhaling the scent of peppermint oil works to:

  • improves mood.
  • Increases alertness.
  • Eliminates stress.

The essential oils present in mint have an effect on the nervous system and respiratory status, and one of the benefits of mint and peppermint essential oil is that they play a major role in revitalizing the body and quickly boosting energy.

Benefits of mint for weight loss :

One of the benefits of boiled mint and drinking mint is that it helps in losing weight in the following ways:

  • Mint helps stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes.
  • Mint Mint contains salts that help in eating in the stomach.
  • Mint helps burn fat and convert it into energy.

Mint damage and side effects :

Excessive use of mint may be associated with a number of harm and side effects, which may include:

  • heartburn.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions such as redness, headache, and mouth ulcers.
  • It irritates the stomach and causes gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Peppermint oil can be toxic when used in high doses, so use caution.

It should be noted the importance of not using peppermint oil on children’s skin, as it may cause difficulty breathing due to contraction of the muscles responsible for breathing.

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